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Empowering Indigenous Communities Through Literacy: Barefoot Tours Supports the Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Empowering Indigenous Communities Through Literacy: Barefoot Tours Supports the Indigenous Literacy Foundation

At Barefoot Tours, we are passionate about making a positive impact in the communities we serve. That’s why we are proud to support the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) and their crucial work in improving literacy outcomes for remote Indigenous communities across Australia. Through their book supply programs, literacy initiatives, and community publishing projects, the ILF is dedicated to providing access to books and promoting a love for reading among Indigenous children and families. Join us as we explore the incredible work of the ILF and our partnership in creating opportunities for education and empowerment.

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation’s Journey:

Founded in 2004 by Suzy Wilson, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation began as the Riverbend Readers’ Challenge, a fundraising initiative aimed at improving literacy in remote Australia. Over the years, the organization expanded its efforts and partnerships, eventually becoming the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in 2011. Since then, they have made a significant impact, working with over 400 remote communities, providing books, early literacy resources, and publishing books in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

Promoting Literacy and Cultural Connection:

The ILF’s book supply program is a vital component of their mission. In regions where libraries and bookstores are scarce, the ILF fills the gap by delivering new, culturally relevant books to remote communities across Australia. These books, carefully selected for different age groups, feature Indigenous authors and illustrators, allowing children to see themselves and their culture reflected in the stories. By fostering a sense of connection, belonging, and pride, the ILF helps build a strong foundation for literacy and lifelong learning.

Community Engagement and Empowerment:

Beyond book supply, the ILF engages communities through their Book Buzz program and community publishing projects. Book Buzz supports playgroups and early literacy programs in remote communities, providing resources and support to develop essential literacy skills in children. Additionally, the ILF collaborates with communities to create and publish books, ensuring that the storytelling and cultural heritage of Indigenous communities are preserved and celebrated.

Barefoot Tours’ Contribution:

As part of our commitment to supporting the ILF and their cause, In 2023 alone Barefoot Tours has proudly donated $200 to contribute towards books for remote communities. We believe in the power of literacy and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities. Through our partnership with the ILF, we aim to promote educational opportunities, cultural preservation, and empowerment for Indigenous children and families.

Join Us in Making a Difference:

You too can make a difference in the lives of Indigenous children and families by supporting the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Whether through donations, fundraising initiatives, or spreading awareness about their important work, your involvement can help provide books, resources, and literacy programs to those who need them the most. Together, let’s create a brighter future through the gift of reading.

Barefoot Tours is honoured to partner with the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in their mission to improve literacy outcomes and promote cultural connection in remote Indigenous communities. Through our collaboration, we strive to empower individuals, celebrate Indigenous culture, and create opportunities for education and personal growth. Join us in supporting the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and together, let’s make a lasting impact on the lives of Indigenous children and families across Australia.